Welcome to my blog. My name is Ashley & I'm a teenage blogger. I post about almost anything, so I hope you find it worth-while. Don't forget to follow me & leave comments if you would like. I am currently learning Tagalog so comment in that if you want too.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Keep your head up.
I'm so tired of pathetic people making excuses for their own actions. It's just sad, and how they complain, is even more sad. Yeah, you're life may be pretty bad, but hundreds, even thousands of people have it worst. It may be a bad day, week, month, but it's not a bad life. So just keep your head up, take responsibility for your own actions, and take the punishment without complaining. And remember, someone out there has it twice as worst as you do.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
People change.
Isn't it just funny, how much you can really get to know a person, to the point, where you know nothing at all. It's called, when people change... And I hate it. Yes, I hate the fact that my friends arne't who they were or who I thought they were. I hate the fact that you can grow to like a person so much to the next day find out they are not themselves. It hurts and I just want to blame that person for changing. But I can't. I can't go up to that person and say:
"Hey I'm mad at you. You changed". Not only would I sound dumb, I would sound incerdibly selfish. So all I can do is miss the "old" them, and their "old" personality, and their "old" appearence. And it just...
totally. sucks.
Because now, that person has a whole new bunch of friends, and our friendship is fading.
& it's not my fault, but it isn't hers either.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Hey guys. I know it's been a long time since I blogged. And I bet everyone would like the little convenient excuse. "I've been busy". But truth is. I've came down with the horrible disease, they call WRITERS BLOCK. Yes, people you read it, I have attempted many posts and they all managed to stink like poooooooooop. So poor me, siting at home really devoted to making more posts, now has 33 posts saved as drafts. And worst of all, there is no new followers and comments waiting for me to view. You guys are not making this easy for me, are you. But it's okay, I bet every blogger came across this point before. And many give up. But not me. I'm just going to continue to do the thing I love and not worry if it's not worthy or even interesting.
Post Script- Thank you to each and every one of my followers. (:
Post Script- Thank you to each and every one of my followers. (:
Friday, April 20, 2012
One big lesson I learned this passed week is too chose your friends wisely. Nobody enjoys a backstabbing, dramatic, and a dishonest friend that will only try to bring you down. This passed week, I saw my friend(s) true colors. Nothing hurts more then having a friend that changed in to something you never expected. It felt like the girl I knew so well for four years, I didn't know at all. But that's just what I get for not choosing my friends wisely. I will never forget what she did and said. Those are the things I remember precisely about a person. & for some odd reason i do not feel like blogging and sharing the whole story with the rest of you guys. I know, I know, Horrible blogger I am. But I don't know, it gets me so aggrivated and angry when I think about it. So I am here simply trying to say to all of you who havn't experienced this yet, to be aware how easily you give your trust to someone. Anyone. Because there are some who will manipulate it and take advantage of it. & Thats a fact.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Trying to do my homework, and blog. Why not mix?
Love is not seen but it is feeled,
Its a emotion that is strong,
but yet can make a person weak,
It is unforgettable, powerful,
and yet not clearly defined.
No words can fully
describe the feeling
of being in love.
It may not be forced,
Pushed, or even shoved
It knows what it is doing
although people disagree
It'll take its time
It is a emotion which leads
to other emotions
Anger & Jealousy
Stupidity & Hurt
or in some rare cases
it will bring
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Having A Bad Day?
Everyone has a bad day, so if you're having a bad right now or you're just bored, I created a post as a solution to your crappy day. Enjoy (: Oh & don't be so nonsensical, these are not my photos, I just simply took it off the internet for yours and mine pleasures. (:
Okay well, those sure put a smile on my face (:
Hope everyone has a good and not so crappy day today.
Friday, April 13, 2012
& They Still Wonder Why;
Today at school, my friend again didn't eat anything at lunch. Actually, the whole last week, she hasn't ate a thing. I'm starting to get worried that she might have a eating disorder. Which is not good, not good at all.
When I got home from school, she came over as usual, and I talked to her about how she hasn't been eating anything at lunch. & she said, " I'm only trying to lose a few pounds". "She seemed to be getting really angry at me, and just left my house.
This brings me to todays topic. Everyone obviously knows that eating disorders are definintly not the best way to get skinny. But still researchers show that %5 of American teen girls have a eating disorder. Weather it's starving yourself, or puking whenever there is a toilet in sight, there are 5 girls out of 100 who are suffering on getting there dream shape. & there is not one thing bad about getting in shape. But having a eating disorder, now, that is certainly not the way to do it.
And you know, I wondered why anybody would do something that harmful to themselves. I mean, obviously they no it's not good for them. In till I figured out where the root of this problem is coming from.
In my beliefs, It's just
Society's definition of beauty.
that is destroying us girls,
Think about it, nobody wants to be ugly. And face it, society has pretty much made it clear that FAT is a insult.
is it really those magazines,
or those bullies on the bus,
or even those super pretty skinny girls walking around school.
Yes, actually, it's all of them.
The world will be happier and a little healthier if society would stop judging. Anyone and everyone can help.
And believe me, it's not that hard.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Lose Weight; Get Fit; Change Your Lifestyle TODAY
Hi guys! Well, I started a new blog litterly like a minute ago. it's not a typical blog. it is actually a blog about losing weight, getting fit, and making a change in your life. I might not be blogging on this as recent as I do now. It's already hard keeping up with this one! If your inspired to start a healthy lifestyle or just think you might find it intresting to read my journey. Then take a look. I'll be posting videos, guidelines, and diary entries on what I feel throughout achieving my goal.
So, check it out!
Hi guys! Well, I started a new blog litterly like a minute ago. it's not a typical blog. it is actually a blog about losing weight, getting fit, and making a change in your life. I might not be blogging on this as recent as I do now. It's already hard keeping up with this one! If your inspired to start a healthy lifestyle or just think you might find it intresting to read my journey. Then take a look. I'll be posting videos, guidelines, and diary entries on what I feel throughout achieving my goal.
So, check it out!
"Having a sister, is like having a best-friend that you can't get rid of, even if you wanted to". -Ami Li
![]() |
Yeah. She's a freak (; |
Meet my 9-year old little sister. her name is Savana and even though she drives me crazy all the time, I still love her. it's a complicated relationship between us. We never had a great bond, whenever we do we end up fighting. She really does bring out the ugly side of me. And I hate it. But out of all the things she does to me. She is still my sister. And I have no choice but to put up with her. One time, she framed me of stealing her DSi. I really wanted to punch her in the face when I got grounded. Anyways. I told her I was never going to talk to her again. Guess what, I ended up talking to her tommorow. Today we made a promise to not fight with each-other or "pick" fights with eachother for a month. I doubt it though. but I'm really going to try. because who knows, she could be gone tommorow. Well, that's my sisterly realationship, or not so sisterly realationship.
Pop Quiz;
I was bored. And I really wanted to make a post. So I took a quiz from Quizopolis.com to share with you guys! Enjoy. (:
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? - It doesn't really matter to me. I never had that problem.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? - Hehehe. Maybe (:
Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? - Out. In. Out. Sometimes In. Eh, Out... Oh. I don't care.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before? - UH, no?
Do you like to use post-it notes? - Yess!
Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? - No, my mommie does though!
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? - Big Bear, All the way.
Do you have freckles? - No.
Do you always smile for pictures? - Always, :D
What is your biggest pet peeve? - When people crack their knuckles. Ugggh. Can't stand that.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? - I used to do that A LOT. In Elementary.
Have you ever peed in the woods? - No.
What about pooped in the woods? - Ew? No, No, No, & NO.
Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? - Yeah. A Little.
Do you chew your pens and pencils? - Ew. Gross. NO,
How many people have you slept with this week? - None. I'm 14,
What size is your bed? - What size is yours?
What is your Song of the week? - This Week, hmmm. Auburn - Perfect Two
Is it okay for guys to wear pink? - Some can pull it off. (: Not all tho.
Do you still watch cartoons? - LILO & STICH. YESSS. (:
Whats your least favorite movie? - Harry Potter. Sorry, but I hate those movies. -_____-
Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? - The Most Beautiful Place On Earth. Puntan Dos Amantes (:
What do you drink with dinner? - Water.
What do you dip a chicken nugget in? - I don't dip.
What is your favorite food? - LUMPIA.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? - The Hunger Games (;
Last person you kissed/kissed you? - My boyfriend ♥ Gianni
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? - noope. But I always begged my dad to let me be. But he was never feelin' it. -__-
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? - HELL, NO.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? - Today, To my friend Aaliyah
Can you change the oil on a car? - Nah
Ever gotten a speeding ticket? - Again, I'm 14
Ran out of gas? - Again, I'm only 14
Favorite kind of sandwich? - Ham & Cheese, Yumm.
Best thing to eat for breakfast? - Frosted Flakes w/ strawberries.
What is your usual bedtime? - 10:00 to 11:00
Are you lazy? - Yes. Very.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? - One time I dressed up for Lilo. in the Cartoon Lilo & Stitch. (:
What is your Chinese astrological sign? - Year Of The Rabbit
How many languages can you speak? - Two. English and Tagalog. Magandang Araw!
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? - Nah. More into the books!
Which are better legos or lincoln logs? - The original. Lincoln Logs
Are you stubborn? - Yes.
Who is better...Leno or Letterman? - I don't know who the heck those guys are?
Ever watch soap operas? - Nope.
Afraid of heights? - Yes, But eventually I'll get over it.
Sing in the car? - If the song is very catchy.
Dance in the shower? - No.
Dance in the car? - No.
Ever used a gun? - Uh, maybe. Kidddding. No.
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? - If you consider my mom a photographer then Yes (;
Do you think musicals are cheesy? - No. I think they're cute. (:
Is Christmas stressful? - Heeeeck No!
Ever eat a pierogi? - Nope.
Favorite type of fruit pie? - APPLE!
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? - A Vet.
Do you believe in ghosts? - Yes. Yes I Do.
Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? - All the tiime. It's so wierd.
Take a vitamin daily? - Nope.
Wear slippers? - Nope.
Wear a bath robe? - Yes.
What do you wear to bed? - Basketball shorts & a tanktop
First concert? - Just Beiber (:
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? - WAL-MART!
Nike or Adidas? - NIKE!
Cheetos Or Fritos? - CHEETOS!
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? - SUNFLOWER SEEDS!
Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? - No.
Ever take dance lessons? - Yes.
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? - My future spouse is Taylor Lautner ♥. So Idk.
Can you curl your tongue? - Nope.
Ever won a spelling bee? - Noo. ):
Have you ever cried because you were so happy? - Yes. When I met my little brother Trevor. ♥
Own any record albums? - No.
Own a record player? - No.
Regularly burn incense? - No.
Ever been in love? - Sadly, & honestly, No.
Who would you like to see in concert? - Idk.
What was the last concert you saw? - Adele
Hot tea or cold tea? - COLD.
Tea or coffee? - BOTH. I ♥ BOTH!
Sugar or snickerdoodles? - Snickerdoodles.
Can you swim well? - Sadly, No
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? - Yes.
Are you patient? - With some things. Others, no.
DJ or band, at a wedding? - DJ
Ever won a contest? - Yes. To throw a pie in the face of my principal
Ever have plastic surgery? - Aggggaaaain, I'M 14.
Which are better black or green olives? - Ew. None.
Can you knit or crochet? - No.
Best room for a fireplace? - Living room.
Do you want to get married? - yes ♥
If married, how long have you been married? - Im 14,
Who was your HS crush? - Nick. I liked him since kindergarten. And I like JUST got over him.
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? - Yes. GOTTA PROBLEM, BRO?
Do you have kids? - No.
Do you want kids? - Yes.
Whats your favorite color? - Purple & Silver.
Do you miss anyone right now? - Yes. My Bf & My little Brother. ♥
Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX? - I don't know what those are.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The truth behind being jealous;
There's a difference between being angry and being jealous; that some people just don't see. Believe it or not, being jealous just shows YOU CARE. I mean obviously at one point in life, you were jealous of another person. I know, last week, I was jealous for this girl who passed her math test with an A. While I was stuck with a D. (Yes, i'm a nerd). but it shows I cared. If I didn't give a damn about a math test I worked my butt off for and recieved a D, then chances are I'm not gonna care if this girl got an A. See where I'm going with this? And yes, in some situations being jealous results in anger. But not true anger like if your sister dropped your ipod outside when you specifically told her not to touch it and then your mom yells at you for not being responsisble with your stuff and refuses to buy you another ipod again and so you go crazy because you just bought $10 worth of songs on Itunes and...Okay well, you get my point.
So jealousy does result in anger, but it is anger you can control. So control yourself ladies, when your boyfriend is talking to another girl.
- It's not the end of the world.
So jealousy does result in anger, but it is anger you can control. So control yourself ladies, when your boyfriend is talking to another girl.
- It's not the end of the world.
Your never too old;

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
New Page? Say Whaaaaat.
Hey guys,
Well if you havn't noticed or read my new page in my blog. Then go do it!
If you're to lazy to fo that, then, well, keep reading. Because I'm going to post everything right here!
Hey guys,
Well if you havn't noticed or read my new page in my blog. Then go do it!
If you're to lazy to fo that, then, well, keep reading. Because I'm going to post everything right here!
Well today, I came across an idea to review and be reviewed by other blogs. I love reading blogs & I have lots to say about some! but I may not do it unless I have your permission! So go ahead, email me at
If you want to review my blog. Then go ahead and email me your review and I will put it up on my page of my blog. If you want your blog reviewed then go ahead and email me and state your blog address & I will post the review on my page shortly. If there is any problems with your review or if you change your mind. Then just email me saying if you want it put down or not.
Thanks guys for reading, and I look foward to your emails!
Monday, April 2, 2012
EX Best Friend
We all have that best friend, the one we can share secrets, make memories, and laugh-to-death with. The peanut butter & jelly, spongebob & patrick, the cement & chalk. - Okay, well the last one was pretty bad. But back to the point, we all need that friend in our lives like that.
Well, I lost my bestest best friend last week. And I miss her really bad, but what was done cannot be undone. &No, there was no dramatic fight or any of that. And If I tell her I want to be friends again, wow, I would look like the biggest fool living on this planet. Since, I was the one who ended our friendship. But I was at a moment of weakness with her, a really jealous weakness. But any human being would be jealous too, if they were in the same situation.
First of all, out of no where... She sits at another table at lunch. I was really surprised because we always sit at the same table. So... In 4th period, I asked her
" Why didn't you sit at our table? "
She litterly looked at me, rolled her eyes and walked away. Then she writes me this note. It clearly said " If you didn't want to friends with me anymore, then you could've said something, you didn't have to be such a bitch and tell Brenda those lies".
First I was shocked, then I was mad. So many people came up to me and asked "Why did you do that to her?". I had no idea what they were all talking about. But then these girls I sat by in math called me a bitch. When I asked why? They told me it was because I was telling people my best friend was a lesbian and how she wanted to sleep with me but I said no.
Now I was so ridiculously mad. Now who the hell would make up that lie? A mental stupid bitch, that's who. I tried talking to her, telling her that everything was a lie and I never said anything. She didn't believe me. Then I asked who said this... And she said
"Brenda told me what you said to her."
Now I was about to explode. Because in 6th grade me, her, and Brenda used to be the bestest of all friends. But she got so jealous because she felt she was getting left out. So it all made sense.
If you didn't catch on, it was pretty obvious that Brenda made these lies up. So you would suspect I would be all total mad at Brenda. No. I was mad at her. Why would she believe a lie like that. I really thought we were closer then that.
So It seems she apolagized to me.
And it was cool after a while but...
It was obvious we were drifting. She kept sitting with other people, and we didn't even talk that much. And she kept hanging out with Brenda. Like, REALLY?!!?!?! You can't be serious, why would you hang out with the girl who tried to DESTROY our friendship.
You made it pretty clear you didn't give a damn.
Yeah. I got jealous. And I told her.
"I can hang out with whoever I want to, when did you become the boss of me?" Was her response.
Thanks for caring or even trying to understand. Thanks a lot.
I guess we really did drift apart. But I will always miss having that person in my life who I considered
Best Friend.
Well, I lost my bestest best friend last week. And I miss her really bad, but what was done cannot be undone. &No, there was no dramatic fight or any of that. And If I tell her I want to be friends again, wow, I would look like the biggest fool living on this planet. Since, I was the one who ended our friendship. But I was at a moment of weakness with her, a really jealous weakness. But any human being would be jealous too, if they were in the same situation.

" Why didn't you sit at our table? "
She litterly looked at me, rolled her eyes and walked away. Then she writes me this note. It clearly said " If you didn't want to friends with me anymore, then you could've said something, you didn't have to be such a bitch and tell Brenda those lies".
First I was shocked, then I was mad. So many people came up to me and asked "Why did you do that to her?". I had no idea what they were all talking about. But then these girls I sat by in math called me a bitch. When I asked why? They told me it was because I was telling people my best friend was a lesbian and how she wanted to sleep with me but I said no.
Now I was so ridiculously mad. Now who the hell would make up that lie? A mental stupid bitch, that's who. I tried talking to her, telling her that everything was a lie and I never said anything. She didn't believe me. Then I asked who said this... And she said
"Brenda told me what you said to her."
Now I was about to explode. Because in 6th grade me, her, and Brenda used to be the bestest of all friends. But she got so jealous because she felt she was getting left out. So it all made sense.
If you didn't catch on, it was pretty obvious that Brenda made these lies up. So you would suspect I would be all total mad at Brenda. No. I was mad at her. Why would she believe a lie like that. I really thought we were closer then that.
So It seems she apolagized to me.
And it was cool after a while but...
It was obvious we were drifting. She kept sitting with other people, and we didn't even talk that much. And she kept hanging out with Brenda. Like, REALLY?!!?!?! You can't be serious, why would you hang out with the girl who tried to DESTROY our friendship.
You made it pretty clear you didn't give a damn.
Yeah. I got jealous. And I told her.
"I can hang out with whoever I want to, when did you become the boss of me?" Was her response.
Thanks for caring or even trying to understand. Thanks a lot.
I guess we really did drift apart. But I will always miss having that person in my life who I considered
Best Friend.
Dissapointed; again.
So tired of people saying to me it's unhealthy to not trust anybody, and bottling your emotions deep inside of you". Well, you call it bottling, I'll just stick to calling it "independent".
I've been let down so many times, and honestly, I blame myself. So now, thanks to my stupidity, I'm completely alone. Left alone to handle all these emotions.
To be honest, I envy all of you who actually have someone in your life where you can talk too and share how your day was. Because it's those little things where I wish I had someone that I can trust.
But no, I had all these friends who were full of bullshit
& my mom, who can't take at least a week off to see me
and a dad who is constantly judging me with every little feeling I share with him.
And right now, I'm totally broken.
There is no room left to trust again.
To My First Few Follower;
This post is for my first few followers,
*Awh. Aren't you guys special?*
Thanks so much for your following. It really makes my day. I started this blog... uh, I can't remember. But it was suppose to be private. But all your guys follows really showed me that this crap is worthy of your reading. So... Thanks. Thanks a lot. (:
*Awh. Aren't you guys special?*
Thanks so much for your following. It really makes my day. I started this blog... uh, I can't remember. But it was suppose to be private. But all your guys follows really showed me that this crap is worthy of your reading. So... Thanks. Thanks a lot. (:
Dear Girl I Hate,
Dear Girl I Hate,
- That is the nicest way I can put it.
Your Welcome.
For one thing;
Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake, Your Fake,
- That is the nicest way I can put it.
Your Welcome.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
My Blog Title; Undefinable
Okay guys, well if you havn't noticed... I'm sure you did, you're not blind. But if you didn't & you are blind, then it says "Undefinable".
Trust me, it took me forever to create a blog title. I wondered, what is this blogs purpose. Then believe it or not, a lightbulb went off in my head. It for one thing, has no exact purpose. So what to call it, in other words what word to define it. Of couse, there was no word to call it. So what do I say... "unwordable"? Matter of fact, I actually typed that in and saved it one time. But it didn't have a nice ring to it. Then it hit me. Undefinable.
Yes. It was perfect. Not only did this one-word reflect my blog, it reflects me. You can't just slap a tag on it. It just won't make sense. "Nice", no... because I'm at times mean. "Perfect", no... because I make more mistakes then anyone can count. "Mean", no... because I can be the nicest person you'll ever meet.
As you can see, that went no where. Truth was, I still couldn't even figure myself out. But intill I do... I will forever be.
Trust me, it took me forever to create a blog title. I wondered, what is this blogs purpose. Then believe it or not, a lightbulb went off in my head. It for one thing, has no exact purpose. So what to call it, in other words what word to define it. Of couse, there was no word to call it. So what do I say... "unwordable"? Matter of fact, I actually typed that in and saved it one time. But it didn't have a nice ring to it. Then it hit me. Undefinable.
Yes. It was perfect. Not only did this one-word reflect my blog, it reflects me. You can't just slap a tag on it. It just won't make sense. "Nice", no... because I'm at times mean. "Perfect", no... because I make more mistakes then anyone can count. "Mean", no... because I can be the nicest person you'll ever meet.
As you can see, that went no where. Truth was, I still couldn't even figure myself out. But intill I do... I will forever be.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Summer 2012 ♥;
This summer really can't go by slower, well to me... I'm really motivated to do a few things this summer. Really wanted to share some with you guys.
#1. Lose Wieght.
I'm really motivated to lose wieght, and what better time to do it then this summer?
#2. Get a New Hairstyle.
I'm getting quite bored with this long black wavy hair. Blah. I need something new.
#3. Practice Volleyball
Being honest, I am certainly not a sport type of person. But during gym, I actually enjoy volleyball. And it's always good to try something new.
#4. Learn Tagalog
Well, I always wanted to learn a new language, and my grandma said if I'm willing then she'll teach me. And I've been so busy, but... hey, lookie. SUMMER. Oh, and to all those people who don't know, Tagalog is a language developed in the Philippines.
#5. Have Nice Nails
Haha, I know this is kind of random... but I'm not going to lie. I get so jealous when I see other girls with their manicured nails. And mine is all stubby and gross-looking. Ew. So this summer, I plan on getting long beautiful nails.
So, I hope you guys enjoyed my little list I made up there. And I hope all you guys are excited for summer as much as I am.
Oh & thanks so much for my first few followers. You guys are so much appreciated
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Lifes issues
Yes, I agree, life can get a bit... lets just say, hectic. It knocks you down at times. Last week, I felt as if I was getting drowned with life problems. I was really feeling depressed, but then I realized, life isn't going to magically fix my problems.
So what I did was... I took this big retake test really seriously. While I was studying, I had this science fair project I totally forgot about, so now I have to do a experiment and study for a test. While my plate is already half way full, I also had some drama between my friends. As if I really had time to deal with one friend getting jelouse and saying "You changed" all the time... no I didn't. But she was a good friends, and those are the friends you really don't want to lose. Now, I have to make some time to increase my "social life". Okay so now I have to make time for studying, then science fair experiment, next see a movie with best friend. And all of the sudden, I'm failing gym? Never even heard of this intill the middle of last week. Now I have to bring that grade up or my mom won't let me go to the movies. Yay. Life. Is. Good. So I have to stay after school Wednesday and run the track. On top of this delicious plate of exhaustion, I still had to come home to my annoying dear sister I love so so much. her stealing my nail polish, scribbling on my white t-shirt, and contantly turning off the lights when i'm trying to study. Oh. I love her so much. As you can tell, I was really overwhelmed. Want to know what I did?
Well, I set priorities
My first priority was to complete my science fair project.
Then study for re-takes
Then bring grade up for school
Then make time to bring up my relationship with my best friend
Then seek revenge on my little sister. (: - Not Really
So my point is, that when life knocks you down. Don't stay on the ground and mope and plead for someone or some miracle to pick you back up on your feet. Yes, it's hard. But life is hard. Rise up, and believe in yourself.
Youtubing & Stuff.
Well, I've been on youtube, ya know. Youtubing & stuff. And I came across this super talented girl. She's a really good singer. her voice is so pure. And honestly, i love the original song. But for some reason, I'm listening to her cover more and ... and ... well just have a listen. (:
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Am I The Only One?
How many other girls when their alone make the ugliest face in the mirror?
How many other people when they drop a ice cube, kick it under the fridge?
How many other teenagers when their parents tell them before they leave to do something, wait till they pull up in the driveway to do it?
How many other girls make a pose in the mirror only to find out someone saw you?
How many people trip over something only to find out it was actually nothing?
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games.
I remember the first time I read The Hunger Games. Sitting in my room, grounded. My brother had already read this book, so it sat on my bookshelf. It looked so boring and so long to read. But I was grounded, I had all the time in the world. So I picked up the book. and that was the best decision I ever made. I finished the book in two days. I recommend ANYONE who hasn't read this book. Find it & read it. A lot of people already read it or is waiting to watch the movie. I finished all three books, and by far, these are the best books I ever read in my life.
I honestly wish I never read this book. So I can experience it all over again.
I remember the first time I read The Hunger Games. Sitting in my room, grounded. My brother had already read this book, so it sat on my bookshelf. It looked so boring and so long to read. But I was grounded, I had all the time in the world. So I picked up the book. and that was the best decision I ever made. I finished the book in two days. I recommend ANYONE who hasn't read this book. Find it & read it. A lot of people already read it or is waiting to watch the movie. I finished all three books, and by far, these are the best books I ever read in my life.
I honestly wish I never read this book. So I can experience it all over again.
Improve your vocabulary. Help world hunger. Amazing? I know it is.
Improve your vocabulary. Help world hunger. Amazing? I know it is.
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Weekend.
Ah, the weekeeends. A whole two & a half days that I dont have to worry about doing my hair. Oh, Thank you lord.
My Trip To California...
Before I start I just want to say something to all the people who misses anyone who is very close to them. Either your mom, your sister, your dad, your bother, your girlfriend, your boyfriend. To whom it may be, I know how hard it is. The constant twisting feeling in your stomach really gets to me sometimes, & I want you too know your not alone. I am very grateful for my chance to see everyone I miss down in California. I hope you'll enjoy my experience I'm about to share with you.
Okay, well this is a true story about how over Winter Break... I went to California. Mainly to see my mom and my little brother (I never met), but I also saw my cousins, my grandma, and met some people who I've grown very close too. I remember almost every detail from being there. I remember waking up at 3 in the morning, getting ready. I had big butterflies and the moment when I finally get to see her played over in over in my head. It wasn't that long of a plane ride. I was too excited to sleep on the plane. So I sat back and stared out the window. As soon as the plane stopped me and my sisters and brother got off and went to the Oakland airport. We waited a couple of minutes at the front desk wondering where she was. Just then, a woman with medium length black hair wearing a black scarf came up to the front desk right where we were standing and asked the desk lady if she saw her kids. She said "Turn around ma'am".
& there she was, my mom.
Okay, well I'm not going to be dramatic and say it was all hugs and kisses. Because it wasn't... It was a awkward hug and kiss and a awkward walk out the airport. Right when we got to her house, my brother, sisters and I passed out, not litterly but we all just fell asleep. Once we woke up I got to see him for the first time... my little brother Trevor. He was 1 when I got to see him, and he was litterly like the cutest things ever. I also saw my aunt, uncle, and grandma.
Then my sister Paige came, and I got to see her too. She came with her boyfriend or friend... it's really confusing. But anyways, I got to see them and it was great.
So days went on, and finally Christmas came. We opened girfts, took pictures, and ate cookies. Yum. But when the day was about over, my mom asked me " What was your favorite gift, hunny"?
...I said "everything". But if she asked me today I would answer by saying
" All those gifts you gave me were all great. But no presents, not even all the money, could ever match up to the days I got to spend just with you. "
Even though I remembered every detail, it would make this post hella long so... Maybe I'll share more in the future. But right now I'm getting teared up.
So days went on, and finally Christmas came. We opened girfts, took pictures, and ate cookies. Yum. But when the day was about over, my mom asked me " What was your favorite gift, hunny"?
...I said "everything". But if she asked me today I would answer by saying
" All those gifts you gave me were all great. But no presents, not even all the money, could ever match up to the days I got to spend just with you. "
Even though I remembered every detail, it would make this post hella long so... Maybe I'll share more in the future. But right now I'm getting teared up.
Know Your Values
"Those who do not stand for something, are sure to fall for anything"
-Alexandra Hamilton
-Alexandra Hamilton
Welcome to my blog... I guess. This blog was initially made to blog all my randomness. Ill try to blog every monday, and publish every tuesday. And feel free to leave comments & subscribe & all that good stuff. Oh and heads up; I just blog whatever I feel so sorry if it's a little ... random.
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