Okay well next month I'm turning the big 1-4. (: And my sister said to me "Yes. Maybe she'll learn to grow up". She wasn't serious, she was just kidding, but it got me thinking.. Some things I do is a little immature, I admit.. Like how I watch Yo Gabba Gabba with my little brother. Yes, I enjoy watching little monsters running around. I also sleep with my stuff animal "Ness".

Just recently (last week), I made sure nobody was looking, and slid down the stairs. Plus I slid down it so many times, I got a rug burn on my legs. On my fith time. My sister Savana saw me and yelled "Aren't you a little too old for that?". Which brings me too my next point.
"You're never too old." Whether it's to do something you love or something small like watching Yo Gabba Gabba.
This is so true! I know many university students that watch my little pony and I watch and love Ben 10 haha and I'm 19